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EAM: Watch these videos ASAP

I concur, message is authentic. Oh, Navy, you are so needlessly complicated. Anyway, there’s not a lot of videos for Crimson Tide but I’m gonna give you everything I can find.

Crimson Tide + “Sweet Home Alabama”, get it, cause the sub is the USS Alabama:


Gene Hackman’s inspirational speech:


Hunter vs. Ramsey, shouting match of the century:


Crimson Tide + Symphony of Destruction:


The crazy Opera/Rock/Symphonic band Nightwish covers Hans Zimmer:


Pick of the Week : American Gangster trailer, go see this movie now!:


“Heart of the City” as it’s supposed to be done:


Don LaFontaine, the effing man:


Hans Zimmer did the soundtrack for “The Simpsons Movie” which we mentioned, we also mentioned “Spider Pig Theme” is pretty damn creepy, judge for yourself:


Next week is the triumphant return of Steven Seagal as we tackle his greatest achievement Under Siege and his latest “achievement” Urban Justice. Here’s just a small taste of the madness to come:


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