“When war is in your blood, killing is as easy as breathing.”
Hey Hey Internet! It’s Wednesday and as always I’ll try to get you through hump day with some bonus videos. Trailer: video://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJssNf5R68o
You gotta send a maniac to catch a maniac
Words to live by Sly. And it’s a great introduction to this week’s bonus videos. So let’s get right into it, shall we? Trailer: video://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18e4GeUwVWs
Exclusive: Rob Schneider is…
We’ve made the joke a bunch of times on the show but if you’re not sure where the reference comes from then check out the following video. Matt Stone and Trey Parker show why they are the best in the business of satire and parody as they expose the formula of Rob Schneider’s movies. [MEDIA=9]
Who died and made you f***ing king of the zombies?
Cheerio everybody and welcome to the first bonus video post of 2008. We got zombies, slackers, cops, criminals and all the British accents you can handle. Let’s get this lorry moving with Shaun of the Dead. Trailer: video://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhBGFqldAvk