Frankenweenie Trailer
Hopefully able to break Tim Burton out of the rut he’s currently dug himself into, Frankenweenie is his latest stop motion animated movie and parodies Frankenstein as young scientist, Victor, brings his dog, Sparky, back to life.
Everything Actioncast Ep. 99 “Netflix Recommends…”
This week Zach, Chris and Joe talk about the recent Netflix instant watching library shakeups, the latest Avengers trailer, the insanity of 80’s Flash Gordon, the Double Dragon cartoon, weird Netflix recommendation categories, Steampunk Batman and much more.
Know Your “That Guy”: Ronny Cox
Every decade has a great villain character actor. Currently we have Mark Strong but back in the 80’s, Ronny Cox was the go to slimy bad guy like Dick Jones in Robocop.
March Movie Preview
Already selling out theaters, The Hunger Games is primed to be the first major blockbuster of the year but Disney is also hoping that John Carter will be worth all the millions they dumped into it. Check out all the movies coming out this month here.