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Zombieland: The Series Trailer


Amazon is trying to get into the streaming original programming game with a continuation of the movie Zombieland (albeit with none of the original cast).  Picking up where the movie left off, Tallahassee, Wichita, Little Rock and Columbus traveling across the country trying to find any fellow survivors and kill zombies in ridiculous ways.  Amazon actually has the pilot up on their Instant Video service and are going to greenlight more episodes based on the feedback of fans.  Judging from the trailer they also released, I wouldn’t count on the fan reaction being too positive.  It looks like they’ve drained all uniqueness out of the characters and replaced them with actors who don’t even look vaguely the same and definitely don’t look they have the same chemistry and quirks of their movie counterparts.  The jokes look really lame as well.  You can check out the trailer and judge for yourself.

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