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EA at TooManyGames 2014 Part 1

TooManyGames brings together classic table top games, arcade games,  indie games,  game related music bands and local internet gaming personalities. Essentially, this convention has “Too Many Games” (Get it?). Vendors, developers, and attendees of all interest come down Greater Philadelphia Expo Center at Oaks, PA and enjoy 3 packed day of games, music and random nerdom. It’s a great place to see to meet indie game developers at their booths and try their latest games, instead of a typical AAA booth filled with QA interns that are forced to work the booth. Indie developers from Tri-state and further make the journey out here to set up demos and gather feedback on their latest builds. For the indie developers, this is an effective way to get a good stream of fresh eyes on a prototype and help find your target audience. For every passersby, this is chance to be a unpaid QA tester! Like the real thing!

“Come play this for an hour and tell me if you see a bug”

Indie Game Showcase – Too Many Games Expo 2013 from Christian A. Deitering on Vimeo.

Also note, that’s me talking about games for ‘Broken Crown Games“, come find our booth at TooManyGames – 2014

Along with the indie selection, vendors of all sort of nerdy merch have tables with libraries games from all eras. With the next gen game system released this year, now’s the perfect time to grab those last gen games that you wanted to get or maybe stumble upon a hidden gem that you have no idea exist.

“Drink You’re Own Pee DLC  not included”

There is also a healthy selection of arcade machine set to ‘Free To Play”, so go do your best white man dance on a dance pad, or have a seizure remembering how to play Guitar Hero again.

Did I mention the music? Oh yeah, there is a different band play every 2 hours free while this going on. Last year there was over 20 musical guest that appeared and played:

Overclocked Remix This Place is Haunted Entertainment System
Chromelodeon Chipocrite Animal Style
Temp Sound Solutions Heavyw8bit Championchip Inverse Phase
The X Hunters Cheap Dinosaurs DJ Cutman
The Ultraball Cryptorchid Chipmunk George & Jonathan
Pixel8ter Whitney Peyton minibosses
Autoscroll brentalfloss PowerGlove 
Storm Blooper Danimal Cannon Close to Good
Rainbowdragoneyes SKGB DJ McGRANAMAN

Stay tuned for Day 1-Part 2. I’ll be updating once the TooManyGames 2014 is underway!

Be sure to check our Twitter for live updates! EVACTION

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