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News, Reviews, Podcast

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January 21, 2011

Specualation ends on some big Dark Knight Rises casting, a bunch more remakes and an epic Office crossover.

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January 14, 2011

A bunch of crazy news this week including a couple of “What Ifs?”, Bond back on track and our first look at Andrew Garfield in Spider-Man.

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January 7, 2011

Tons of directing news this week including who will be directing the new Godzilla movie and the Ouija board movie.

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December 31, 2010

A super slow news week this week but we got a look at the Spielberg/Peter Jackson collab TinTin, Empire Strikes Back gets preserved for all time and the Top 5 Biggest Bombs of 2010.

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December 24, 2010

Not a lot of news this week but there is news about crazy new projects like The Room 3D and a movie based on The Madden Curse.

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December 17, 2010

Tons of stuff this week in the Shotgun including directors leaving and taking on projects, The Transporter: The Series and test footage from Superman Lives.

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December 10, 2010

The shotgun is back this week with news about actors returning to roles, official photos from the new Pirates movie and the Wachowskis putting a crazy spin on Robin Hood.

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November 26, 2010

Tons of news this week including a reboot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a movie version of The Lone Ranger and insane Uncharted movie developments.

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November 19, 2010

It was mostly about trailers this week but we got some news about the upcoming Hulk TV show, more comic book casting news and yet another possible villain for The Dark Knight Rises.

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November 12, 2010

This week we have a great show getting renewed, future plans from some big studios and Lifetime entering the action arena!?

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November 5, 2010

This week we get some casting news for Spider Man, a little more of one of our favorite shows, Ghostbusters 3 might actually be happening and the internet is wrong again.