Everything Action

News, Reviews, Podcast


“The Wizard” (1989)

June 14, 2009

Hey everyone, another movie synopsis for y’all. Coming at you from the crazy year of 1989, The Exxon Valdez spilled it’s oil across Alaska, The Simpsons premiered to bring joy to our lives and then would refuse to die with dignity and Disney world opened it’s doors for the first time. But perhaps more important, Fred Savage and Christian Slater would star in The Wizard, the greatest feature length commercial ever produced.


Spider Man 4: Who’s the Big Bad?

June 8, 2009

Spider Man 4 producer Todd Black drops some hints about what we can expect from the wall crawler’s fourth big screen outing.


E3 Mania!

June 6, 2009

Everything Action takes a look at some of the big games coming out the Electronic Entertainment Expo.


R.I.P. David Carradine

June 6, 2009

Late last week news came out that David Carradine was found dead in Thailand. He was 72.


“Commando” (1985)

May 8, 2009

Sometimes there are movies that just cannot be explained. Sometimes there are movies that are just so awesome you have to see them for yourselves. For us, the movie that started the awesome movies craze was Commando.



May 5, 2009

New Release Round Up 5/5

May 5, 2009

Check out what’s out this week in the world of movies, TV and video games.


Admit One 5/1: Summer Begins

May 1, 2009

According to Fox, “Summer Officially Begins!” with X-Men Origins: Wolverine. We’re off and running with the big movies of the year.


Top 5 Movie Shootouts

April 30, 2009

Like Michael Scott once said, “What is the most exciting thing that can happen on TV or movies, or in real life? Someone has a gun.” Here are our picks for the top 5 best shootouts in movie history.