How to lose friends and influence power in Terrible Influence (Preview)
One board game dares to take all the worst ways someone can climb into the highest commanding position in America and make it a hilarious time for entertainment in Terrible Influence. We got an early preview of how the game works, so check out our thoughts.
Everything Action at Pax Unplugged 2024
At Pax Unplugged‘s annual board game event, cards were drawn, points were exchanged, and our mana was replenished for our adventure. This event celebrated classic gaming creativity, games that require more physical involvement, and social interactions that can’t exactly be replicated from a screen. Whether played with cards, miniatures, or with a creative dungeon master, […]
Everything Actioncast: Jumanji (1995)
This week on the Everything Actioncast, Zach and Chris are heading to PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia. To get into the board gaming mood, they discuss the 1995 classic Jumanji. Based on the book by Chris Van Allsburg, Jumanji stars Robin Williams as Allan Parrish, who is sucked into the titular jungle-themed board game in 1969 […]
Everything Action at PAX Unplugged 2023
Dice were rolled, cards were tapped and all the actions were set for the annual board game event of PAX Unplugged Held from December 1st – 3rd at the Philadelphia Convention Center, Unplugged once again brought a grand show of vendors, panelists, game masters, and creative talents to celebrate the fun and magic of tabletop gaming. There were a ton of sights to see and games to check out that kept us and many others very busy over the three days.
Preview of Pax Unplugged 2022
It’s that time again when you should turn off the game consoles, power down the PCs, and get back to old fashion paper and dice gaming. Pax Unplugged is returning to the Philadelphia Convention Center this December 2nd to 4th. This will be 3 days of panels, workshops, crafting, shopping, and tabletop gaming provided by […]
EA at Pax Unplugged 2018
Analog gaming returned to Philadelphia in Penny Arcade’s tabletop games theme event, Pax Unplugged. For its sophomore show, Pax Unplugged was held from November 30th to December 2nd in the Philadelphia Convention Center, gathering vendors, game makers, and fans of all types of tabletop entertainment to the city of brotherly love. Casual players and serious […]