Everything Actioncast Ep. 21 “Ninja Vanish!”
This week Zach and Joe bring you the podcast while DJ Kung Fu Chris and MC B-Money were out bringing karaoke to VT. The guys talk about the 80’s classic(?) Krull, their idea for the greatest sneaker ever, if Iron Fist could make a good movie and their favorite ninjas.
- Show and Tell: Joe checked out Cop Out and gives us his thoughts on UFC 118 and Zach checked out the new Clash of the Titans, the Burn Notice summer finale, The Losers and Krull.
- News: Trailers for The Walking Dead and 127 Hours, Nike patenting power lace sneakers, Iron Fist movie might be on the way, Fantastic Four reboot rumors, Kick Ass 2 and the New Release Round Up.
- Special Feature- Ninjas: With the 20th Anniversary of American Ninja being this week we thought we’d talk about some our favorite and not so favorite practitioners of Ninjitsu like Michael Dudikof, that guy from Enter the Ninja, the Ninja Turtles, the Surf Ninjas, the 3 Ninjas and the many ninja foes of Chuck Norris.
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