Everything Actioncast Ep 369 “Masters of Blade Running”
This week on the podcast, Zach, Chris, Joe and special guest Dylan dive into the trailer from NYCC including Pacific Rim: Uprising, the Hobbs/Shaw Fast & Furious spin-offf, Creed 2, Masters of Horror, new and old Blade Runner, the return of the Arrowverse, Gotham and more.
- News: The Last Jedi, Pacific Rim: Uprising, Castle Rock, Runaways, Jack Ryan, Happy! and Justice League trailers, Stallone directing Creed 2, Batman: The Animated Series coming to Blu-Ray, Gambit coming in 2019 with Gore Verbinski directing, Shane Black may be in talks for the Hobbs/Shaw Fast & Furious spin-off and Channel 4 in the UK making a new V for Vendetta TV series.
- Show and Tell: Joe watched more South Park and The Walking Dead, Dylan has been watching The Orville and the return of Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and The Flash, Chris gives his floor report from NYCC and Zach watched the first episode of Masters of Horror, Mimic, Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049.
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