Everything Actioncast Ep 469 “Justice League Dark, Bad Boys, Obi-Wan and More”
This week on the podcast, Zach and Chris are joined by a returning Joe to talk Justice League Dark, the delay of Obi-Wan, Bad Boys for Life, Amazon’s growing library of Dad shows based on books, The Rundown, Joker and more.
- News: Spenser Confidential trailer, Obi-Wan Disney+ Show delayed, The Witcher getting an anime movie on Netflix, Bad Robot developing Justice League Dark projects and Amazon developing an Alex Cross series.
- Show and Tell: Joe saw Good Boys, Zombieland: Double Tap, Joker and The Mandalorian while Zach and Chris saw The 36th Chamber of Shaolin for the latest Everything Action commentary, Chris saw The Rundown and Ash vs Evil Dead Season 3 and Zach saw Bad Boys for Life.
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