Everything Actioncast Ep 501 “The Mandalorian, Underwater, The Lion King, Mulan and More”
This week on the podcast, Zach and Chris talk about the new Mandalorian Season 2 trailer, She-Hulk and Mulan’s potential haul on Disney+, Lovecraft Country, Underwater, The Lion King remake, Wheels on Meals, Hitman aka The Contract Killer, and more.
- News: The Mandalorian Season 2, Primal and Love & Monsters trailers, Tatiana Maslany cast as She-Hulk for Disney+, Jonathan Majors most likely playing Kang the Conqueror in Ant-Man 3, Taika Waititi developing a pirate show for HBO Max, Doom Patrol and Raised by Wolves renewed for new seasons, Stumptown canceled at ABC and Mulan may have made $260 million in “Premier Access” on Disney+.
- Show and Tell: The guys watched Wheels on Meals for the latest Everything Action commentary and Chris watched more Dark on Netflix and caught up on Lovecraft Country while Zach saw Gross Pointe Blank, The Contract Killer, Underwater, and The Lion King (2019).
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