Everything Action

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Everything Actioncast Ep 637 “Saw X, Paul Reubens, Resident Evil, Assassin Club and More”

This week on the Everything Actioncast, Zach and Chris pay their respects to the late Paul Reubens and then talk about the first trailers for Saw X and Loki Season 2, The Warriors coming to Broadway, the convoluted nature of Assassin Club, Twisted Metal, Resident Evil: Vendetta and Death Island and more.

  • News: RIP Paul Reubens, Saw X, Loki Season 2, King of Killers trailers, Christopher Landon directing Scream 7, and Lin-Manuel Miranda adapting The Warriors into a musical.
  • Show and Tell: Chris saw Assassin Club and Clue while Zach saw Resident Evil: Vendetta and Death Island and Twisted Metal on Peacock.

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