Everything Action

News, Reviews, Podcast

Everything Actioncast Ep 212 “Obey Frozen”

June 5, 2014

This week on the podcast, Zach, Chris and Joe discuss The Rock punching Ancient Greece in the face in Hercules, the mind-bottling hype behind Frozen, the never ending appeal of They Live, the mind numbing middle section of Stargate, 80’s computers, Thanos, Mortal Kombat X and much more.

Everything Actioncast Ep 209 “TV-Pocalypse”

May 15, 2014

This week on the podcast, Zach, Chris and Joe talk about the upcoming Fall shows from NBC, ABC, Fox and Adult Swim and the shows we lost (Community), our first look at Ben Affleck as Batman and the new Batmobile, Channing Tatum is Gambit, the greatness of This is the End, Danny Trejo, Epic Beard Man and much more.