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Joel Kinnaman Gets Caught in the Cage Rage in Sympathy for the Devil (Trailer)

If you enjoyed Collateral but felt Tom Cruise needed to be about 80% more insane, then Sympathy for the Devil should be right up your alley in July.  Joel Kinnaman plays a man who is trying to get to the hospital as his wife his giving birth.  He’s hijacked by a psychotic gunman, played by Nicolas Cage, who forces him to drive around Las Vegas, leaving dead bodies in his wake and playing insane mind games.  Yuval Adler, who directed The Secrets We Keep and The Operative, directed Sympathy for the Devil, which seems like it will mostly be all about Cage’s insane performance (and crazy Joker hair).  Sympathy for the Devil is in theaters and On Demand on July 28th and you can check out the trailer below.

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