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EA at TooManyGames 2014 Part 3

Day 2 of TooManyGames starts the non-stop music concerts and is where the “Too Many Games” labels earn its worth. Starting in the early afternoon, game tournaments, game trading, game testing and game cosplaying occur throughout the day. Indie developers begin to pitch their games to the public, performing they’re the best break down of their games and gauging the audience’s interests. It’s a tough juggling act that mixes pride and tact to convince people to stop by and look at your stuff for a moment. You can use wacky artwork, clever wording, or low cut tee-shirts. Anything goes to get that game notice.

Today my focus were the concerts, I didn’t have the luxury last year to spend time in the concert hall and listen to the bands, so I made it a big priority this time around. The first band I checked out was The World is Square. A band that pays tribute to classic Squaresoft games like Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger.

I popped back in to catch the X-Hunter’s set and listened to a few songs inspired by the Mega Man X series.

The closing band before the After Party events was Powerglove. I’ve haven’t been to many Powerglove sets, and I always first two things: 1) Ear plugs. 2) Don’t stand next to the speakers. There is an energy that you get with Powerglove that totally revamps childhood memories to appear in a more over the top metal way. It might be the shredding guitars, the machine-like drum lines, or maybe dodging inflatable weapons in a nerdy mosh pit.

In the evening, Uncle Gubsy and the Snowdogs opened up the After Party with super rocked out versions of the Power Rangers Green Ranger theme, the 1987 GI Joe Movie opening theme and a very good,  all Japanese rendition of Naruto’s 2nd opening song Haruka Kanata (originally Asian Kung Fu Generation).

The next act was a DJ battle between Kevin Villecco vs. Pixel8ter & Dj Cut Man vs. Benjamin Briggs. It was great to see what each DJ bought to the table and watch the crowd find the rhythm of each track.


To end the night, Cinemassacre appeared to celebrate 10 Years of The Angry Video Game Nerd. James Rolfe, Mike Matei, Bad-Luck Bootsy, and Kyle Justin all appeared on stage to talk about the meeting James and forming the idea that would evolve in the AVGN series.

We watched the first two episodes of the AVGN series that were originally copied on to a VHS tape. James Rolfe had recorded and copied his original Nerd shorts on VHS tapes and held onto to them for a special occasion. I guess the 10-year mark is no better time to revisit the past and showcase the reviews that started it all.

At the end of the shorts, there was a trailer of the soon to be released AVGN Movie and a Q&A session. I did manage to ask a question near the end of the session, so I’ll be on the lookout to report that on here later.

Day 3 coming soon!

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